Was in Vernazza in Italy and was introduced to this beautiful song by a restaurant owner.
quando ti ho datto quella rosa [When I have given that rose to you]
rosa rossa, [Red rose]
mi hai detto
prima de te io non ho amato mai.
[You have said to me
Before you I have not never loved]
quando ti ho datto il primo bacio
sulla bocca,
[When I have given the first kiss to you
On the mouth]
mi hai detto
adesso cosa penserai di me.
[You have said to me
Now what you will think about me]
non sono mica nato ieri
[At all they are not been born yesterday.]
per te non sono stato il primo
nemmeno l'ultimo
[for you they have not been first the not even last one.]
lo sai, lo so.
[you know, I know it.]
di te non penso proprio niente,
proprio niente,
mi basta,
[Of you not task just nothing
Just nothing
Me enough]
restare un poco accanto a te, a te
[To remain beside you, to you]
amare come sai tu non sa nessuna
[To love like you know no one else.]
non devo perdonarti niente
[I have no regrets]
mi basta quello che mi dai
[For me that's enough]
Teresa, Teresa
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